Whatever, really.) From there, you can install Homebrew, use that to install Python, etc, etc. You start by setting up a copy of Terminal that will execute with Rosetta.
If that sounds scary, you can also run it through Rosetta. (All installs will compile locally, no bottles are available for ARM yet, so install times are longer than you may be used to if you have used Homebrew berfore.) Just ignore the warnings - yes you are running Homebrew on an unsupported OS. Installed the AWS CLI (requires Python3) and it also works fine. Python3 will compile on your machine, since no bottles are available yet, but from that point it just works. If you want convenience, you can install homebrew manually so that it runs natively (into `/opt/homebrew`), and install Python3 through it.
I'm running Python 3.8.2 on an M1 MacBook Pro.